There are no shortcuts in the process toward Christian maturity. Believers need to know how to grow. No matter where you are spiritually, our network of ministries is here to assist you in your personal growth.
Fellowship Bible Church seeks to foster relational opportunities. A relationship with Christ is usually born out of a relationship with others. FBC seeks to promote a culture of evangelism through authentic relationships. Connections lead to growing relationships.
Growing in Christ is fostered as we participate in a “growth” group. Growth groups are the vehicle Fellowship Bible Church utilizes to shepherd our body of believers. As we establish relationships in this setting, people are prepared to serve others.
Service occurs as people mature and step out in faith utilizing their spiritual gifts. Fellowship Bible Church seeks to provide opportunities to release the power of Christ through team ministry. We seek to obey Christ’s call to serve by fostering a culture of participation.
Scripture commands us to replicate disciples of Jesus Christ. We do this through relationships as we come alongside to train and release others to be Jesus in the world.